“If the process that one uses to understand reality is not reliable, then every conclusion that springs from that process is unreliable.” - Dr. P Boghossian, American Philosopher, Portland State University
But, if the process one uses to understand reality is reliable, then every conclusion that springs from that process is reliable.
And this is our battle – to keep ourselves confined within reality. Not to define our meaning through the senses, but to be defined by and to be given meaning from our Creator.
To acknowledge Him. To acknowledge we are not Him. To accept this reality. And to fight to live in it, capturing our thoughts for Christ - confining our selves in His creation, rather than living our own. Rather than perpetuating Einstein’s definition of insanity by fighting to make a broken, unreliable system produce reliable results. It’s just not possible, however strong our want is for it to be so. God is reliable. God’s word is reliable. God’s word gives us our reality, our sanity. When we yield to Him and process our understanding through His word, every conclusion that springs from it is reliable.
Process that.
© Copyright Jill Williams, 2019. All Rights Reserved.