“Then he consented.” - Matt. 3:15

John the Baptist knew he was not worthy to baptize Jesus. But Jesus himself gave him permission, saying this is how it is designed to happen. Not because of you, but because of me. So he consented.

I, too, am all too aware that I am not worthy to represent him, to do what he asks of me. How about you? But it is yet He who gives permission. And unlike John the Baptist, with us, the Spirit lives in us preparing and equipping us to do it.

Jesus is Emmanuel. God with us. In flesh and bones. John the Baptist saw him with his own eyes. We don’t. But for us, unlike with John the Baptist, he is also Enthusiasm, originating from the Greek word enthousiasmos, meaning God dwelling in us. He is God in us. The same power that raised him from the dead is alive in us. And we get to enthusiastically allow him to do His work through us.

So, let’s consent to the one who gives us life, who lifts our load, who sets us free. Let’s consent to him.

© Copyright Jill Williams, 2019. All Rights Reserved.