Restricted, for Him, a brief verse on our affections

Based on 2 Cororinthians 6:11-12:

"We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians; our heart is wide open. You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections. In return (I speak as to children) widen your hearts also."

Like me, you may find yourself restricted in your offering of your own affections. 

What then will you do? Remain restricted?

For whom? We bring loneliness only to ourselves and we deny love for others as we live in a world fabricated by fear.

When, in reality, we have a Creator who is full of affection for us. Open wide affection. Dying affection.

Living affection.

What will you do? You'll respond.

To what? You alone know what most captures your heart. Uncontrollable fear, or incomprehensible love.

Embrace love – open wide your affection for the One who opens wide for you.

Fear not the ones who imperfectly live, but the one who perfectly lived – open wide to Him.

To Him who defeated death. Who designed all things. Who designed you. Who controls all.

Turn to Him. Fear Him. Find refuge in Him.

And free your offering of your own affections, for Him.

Yes, restrict your affections, but to service unto him. To allegiance unto him. To living wide open, for Him.

Because of His affection for you, His incomprehensible love for you, His authority over you and over all of creation.

Yes, restrict your affections, but to service unto him. 

For the sake of his creation. For the sake of all. For the sake of all those loved by Him.

For His watching world.

That they may see Him, see Jesus. See His affection, through you, through us. For us all.  

What will you do?

Widen your hearts, also.

"Set your affection on things above,
not on things on the earth."

- Colossians 3:2

© Copyright Jill Williams, 2019. All Rights Reserved.