Jill Williams, ACC, Founder: ICF Certified Coach, Certified Strengths Champion Coach, WeAlign Strengths Coach and Certified Indigo Student Success Coach
“I am a relational and strategic, solution-minded achiever. I love learning and I love developing others. My thoughts focus on the future sweeping ideas and possibilities for connections. This combination leaves me identifying myself as an energetic change agent. Questions and guiding conversation are my go to. My training as a professional coach only supports my natural curiosity to draw out insights and strategies and connections for others as they seek their dreams of success.
My purpose is to faithfully put God on display to His watching world as I boldly walk in the power of the Spirit to offer my God-given change agent design and partner with others to help them discover and boldly walk in theirs. With sincere curiosity, spirited diligence and quiet confidence, I help driven leaders resolve complex problems, realize potential and rely on God.
My life has been marked by wanting to win & be the best. It might seem that such an attitude would take me far. It did. But it was hell. I was always striving for the next thing, for me. And there was always a next thing.
Praise God he got hold of me and set me free from this bondage. One of my top strengths is achiever, along with being a problem solver and people developer. Today, I get to strive in service to God by offering and developing His design in me in service to others - and ultimately God. And that’s not hell - it’s life! In fact, it’s a life I love!
So, as a coach and founder of Team BOLD, LLC, I get to do the bold thing for me, and that’s to let God use this striving, achiever, problem-solving, people developing design he gave me to serve your growth and development. Whether we are working together to grow you, your business, your non-profit or others you get to lead, I get to put my strengths to work with you helping you put your strengths to work so you accomplish - or win! - the success you want and love your life, too!”
Carrie Ellis, MAPC, Indigo Student Success Coach
Phillip Williams, MACE, MAPC, Leadership Training Specialist