BOLD Leadership Assessment Partnerships

Get to know your unique God-given leadership genius!



The WeAlign Strengths Assessment Process (SAP):

Fight to refine your unique leadership genius instead of fighting to redefine it. Ever wonder what would happen if you develop the things you’re good at, rather than focusing on the things you’re not as naturally talented to do?

Join me in 5 informative and transformative 60-Minute Sessions to find out! You’ll name, claim and aim your GallupStrengths talents to smartly stride in your strengths!

Great for leadership fit decisions and growth.

The Process:
1.      Establish our partnership agreement.
2. Take the Gallup Clifton-Strengths® Assessment.
2.      Schedule sessions to meet 1 on 1 for one-hour sessions and discuss all of your strengths. (not just your top 5)
3.      Develop strategies to maximize your strengths and manage your weaknesses.
4.      Implement the strategies to become your best, most authentic and joyful self.
5.      Keep your materials/individual strengths breakdown for future reference and ongoing learning.


SAP Add-on: My Leadership Genius Session:
If you are a visual person and want to capture your unique leadership genius in an image, this add-on to your SAP is for you!

1.      After completing your SAP, meet 1 on 1 for an one-hour long session and discuss your signature strengths and develop your Leadership Genius™ strategy sheet.
2.      Post your strategy sheet in a place to remind you of your top strengths and to implement the strategies to become your best, most authentic and joyful self.


DISC Leadership Transformation Process (LTP):

Great for leadership style and strategy development. Meet weekly or bi-monthly for one 90-minute and four 60-minute DISC specific sessions and turn your DISC information into leadership transformation.

The Process:
1.      Establish our partnership agreement.
2. Take an online DISC Profile Assessment
3. Schedule five 60-minute sessions to meet & discuss your leadership style
4.      Develop strategies to maximize your style for leadership success.
5.      Implement the strategies and transform your leadership.
6.      Keep your materials for future reference and ongoing learning.


LTP Add-On: TTI DISC Assessment and Debrief: TTI Success Insights is a top 20 Assessment and Evaluation Company. Take their online DISC Assessment, get your results report, including behavior style and driving forces insights and engage in a 90-minute professional debrief.

Doing your strengths assessment in concert with your DISC Profile assessment is the way to go. It maximizes your results, reducing fatigue and improving your leadership. How? Following up your strengths assessment with your DISC Profile Assessment allows you to understand how - and why - you apply your strengths.


Team Assessment Partnerships:

Team Strengths Alignment: Individual team members go through a SAP with me. Then, I spend time with the team lead for a 90-minute debrief of the team member's strengths results

Team Strengths Transformation: All of the above without the team lead debrief and with an 8-hour team transformation using each member’s signature strengths discovered in the individual strengths alignment sessions

Team DISC Leadership Transformation: Team leadership transformation workshop with all team members, including discussion around DISC behavior styles to gain insights and strategies to unify and strengthen and improve team dynamics



The Partnership Process:

  1. Schedule to meet and discuss options.

  2. Design your custom partnership plan.

  3. Execute the plan together.