3 Reasons We Need Anchors
We all struggle with FOMO. Fear of missing out. We get it honestly. I realized this past week at Bible study that Eve was the first to fall into the FOMO trap. How about us? How does FOMO continue to wreak life-altering, life-taking, havoc? Hebrews 6 proclaims we have a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul – a promise of hope from God of the certainty of our eternal inheritance.
Reason #1: We need an anchor for our soul.
We need this promise as an anchor for our soul to hold fast to our hope and endure in earnest faith daily as the sirens of this world wail around us – calling us to live in fear of missing out today rather than living in joyful hope for what is certain to come.
But we also need tangible anchors for our sanity as the sirens surround us with their songs of FOMO on all sides.
Reason #2: We need tangible anchors for our sanity.
As the sirens wail, we can flail. Especially if we already tend to label everything as important! What are your non-negotiable anchors that will NOT be interrupted. Without them, cycles of discouragement and overwhelm can creep in as responsibilities pile up and we are at a loss to measure up to our high standards in handling them all.
Our sure anchor of the soul gives us freedom – and grace - to drop non-negotiable anchors to tangibly preserve our sanity, even if they seem strange to those around us. We’re not called to look like this world. We’re called to look like Jesus. And he definitely had some non-negotiables.
Think. You probably drop anchors to maintain order for you kids, your work associates and employees. What about you? Have you dropped anchors to preserve your sanity? Our sanity is an anchor for our steadfastness.
Reason #3: We need anchors for our steadfastness.
Sanity preserves steadfastness as sanity steadies the depths of our heart and our mind. A heart and mind firmly anchored in truth produce thoughts, words and actions clothed in the fruit of the truth. Including patient, faithful perseverance of faith.
The work is done. Rely on the anchor of your soul to drop tangible anchors in life. It’s the one we cannot drop, because it was dropped for us.
What are your non-negotiable anchors?
© Copyright 2019 Jill Williams, with Springs Coaching. All Rights Reserved.